Piping Products • Gaskets |
Spec Sheet for R |
Always verify that you have the most recent product specifications or other documentation prior to the installation of these products. |
Features: | Red rubber gaskets are manufactured from Styrene-Butadiene or SBR for short. This synthetic material was developed as an alternative to natural rubbers. The red rubber gaskets are recommended for service in cold and hot water, air, and some weak acids. It should not be used with strong acids, oils, grease, and chlorates. It offers little resistance to ozone and to the majority of hydrocarbons.
| Standards: |
- Meets ASME B16.21 for Class 150 gaskets
- Dimensions: ASME B16.5
(Except 30" which is ASME B16.47 Series A)
| Service Limits: |
- Max. Temperature: 170°F
(77°C) - Min. Temperature: -20°F
(-29°C) - Max. Pressure: 200 PSIG
(13.8 Bar) - Max Pressure x Temperature (PxT) - 20,000 (°F x PSIG)